BYI Spotlight: Srija Bhattacharya @ UC Berkeley for "What Tomorrow Brings"
Srija's Thoughts
"Recently, I was nominated by one of my teachers to go to UC Berkeley and watch a documentary called “What Tomorrow Brings”. The screening of this film was part of a program called Facing History and ourselves. WTB totally opened my eyes about the girl's education issue in Afghanistan. The filmmaker (Beth Murphy) focused the spotlight around the founder of the school, Razia Jan, and a few students whose lives are exceptionally difficult. I always knew it was an issue, I read Malala Yousafzai's story and I was shocked but I realized the true severity of the situation after I watched WTB and met Razia Jan in-person during the session. WTB talks about Razia and Zabuli education and how students and teachers are making the impossible, possible.
The lives of these girls in Afghanistan are so appalling- they don't have something as basic as education, their families marry them off to their cousins or men almost quadruple their age, their purpose in the family is to serve the men of the house. They have to move mountains to get their education. Why do they make it impossible for a human being to get the basics of life? After the screening, we went deeper into the issue of girl’s education and discussed why can't they have one?
Razia Jan has managed to build a successful all-girls facility in Afghanistan against all odds. "Sure men are the backbone of the country, but women are the eyesight and I'm sorry to say, but you are all blind right now" she quotes (from WTB). Meeting Razia in-person has given me a completely different perspective on life and I am really motivated and inspired to contribute to this cause."